The Heat Pump in Europe and the Czech Republic

Datum: 24.2.2011
International Conference

Place and date: Praha - Masarykova kolej ČVUT, Thákurova 1, 160 00, Praha 6
Day: March 21, 2011

Lectures, Přednášky

 General overview on heat pump technology and application examples
Thomas Nowak, Brussels, EHPA

 The need for quality products: what determines HP quality and how can it be assured: EHPA Quality label
Ulla Lindberg, Sweden

The need for qualified installers: EHPA EUCERT and the EU Qualicer Project
Gundula Tschernig, Austrian Institute of Technology

 Heat pump market development and the contribution potential of the technology towards energy savings and climate protection
Thomas Nowak, Brussels, EHPA

 Efficiency measured: the SEPEMO project
Roger Normand, SP National Research Institute of Sweden

 Heat pumps for heating and cooling: experience from southern Europe: presentation of test sites used in Ground-MED.
Dimitrios Mendrionis , Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving – CRES, Greece

Government support: Is it really necessary? – An overview presentation and information from the local country.
Information from the local country: Finland, France, Sweden, Austria, United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Slovakia, Hungary

An overview presentation and information about the Hungarian heat pump market
Bela Adam, Hungarian Heat Pump Association

The Czech heat pump market
Josef Slovacek, Chairman Czech HPA

Interesting HP installations in the Czech
Members of Czech HPA

Information Mr. Straka Tomas +42072432445,


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